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  A Moment With by Fynn 
 Chronicles: The Jacket

Nomad | Oddity | The Applous

No Pants Are Safe

An Artistic Eye

The making of this jacket was mostly a combination of three (3) things:

  1. Needed a jacket.

  2. Wanting to create something creative.

  3. Use current resources

Looks around and spots older brothers pre-loved jeans. #desperation! The amazing part about this creation was mostly to see how the mind can create something out of what to some may look like "nothing". That has really become the ethos of by Fynn. Work with what you have at hand and let your creative ability produce garments that are birthed out of a place of pure creative freedom. Avoiding the trends that can so easily lead a designer down a path that isn't true to oneself, but instead being lead by your own abilities therefore producing garments that form their own strong brand identity.

Oddity: Nomad 01
Nomad | Oddity | The Applous

Chop & Sew

Creating an end result first, but being prepared to make what's in the mind with what's in the hand and let the jigsaw begin! One thing that matters most is being strategic when working with awkward shapes of fabric. Pulling pants apart to see what is actually available and what type of jacket pattern can be created. This was really the opposite process of "design". Which is the process of most by Fynn garments. 

Nomad | Oddity | The Applous

Don't Match Just Mix

No pre-process happening here because as cutting that's when you are able to figure out the actual fabric amount. Not being able to create any complete patternisation with making this garment, means one must simply figure it out along the way. It was reflective to life itself...have a plan but be prepared for changes along the way. #truethat!

Oddity: Nomad 02
Nomad | Polo Jeans | Oddity | The Applous

Six Legs One Body

Cut Creatively 

The making of this second jacket was really sparked by a client having a pair of pre-loved (a.k.a warnout) khaki pants that she wanted to be reworked into either a jacket or top.

Me being me was up for the challenge mostly because I wanted to see how far I could push myself creatively. Which is something I feel most designers really desire in the creating of a new garment. But then again don't we all like a bit of a challenge because it makes that victory lap so worth it. Or maybe that's just the Kanye in me! 
With this being the second jacket converted out of pants, the alterations were faster with me knowing what to expect. The fit also improved because the first jacket become the toile (a pretty cool toile). The scissors still had to be used with caution because fabric wastage wasn't an option! Which has unknowingly become another by Fynn ethos added to the book.

Oddity: Nomad 03
Oddity: Nomad 04

Pocket The Pockets

Pockets...need I say more?! We all know they are the deciding factor between like or love of a garment right?! Or I could be a complete island on this thought process. The use of the back pant pockets for this jacket were taken from the first jacket I created. But for this jacket the back pocket bags were much larger therefore making the final decision on whether it was a go ahead or not, had to be finally decided at the end of the make of the jacket. Also due to some of that pocket fabric potentially being needed for the finishing of the sleeves, the pockets were on the chopping block. But rest assure the pockets were pocketed!

Seams Out, Words Gone

Scarps to the rescue! Fabric for this jacket was running low but when push came to shove those creative sparks lit a fire. Sparking the idea of using the waist band from a pair of jeans used in the first jacket as the hem and also for the cuffs. Buttons were also a bit of a scrimmage. So upon inspection I realised that the fly compartment on one of the pairs of jeans was actually buttons instead of a zip...and boom we got a cuff closure! #claptomygreatness Ha! I say all of this to simply show that whatever your hands can find, mixed a lil forced creativity can produce something pretty remarkable that is unique to you.

Nomad | Oddity | The Applous

Safari Anyone?

Thinking On Your feet

The main inspiration or should I say idea behind this jacket was loosely based off a safari jacket. This was sparked by the fabrics I had at hand, the colors and type of pants just happened to remind me of those old school safari jackets. Now remember I said "loosely" based off, I know it ain't really all that safari, lets just say it's the by Fynn version of a safari jacket.

There are always hurdles when it comes to designing. Especially when using fabrics that were formerly pieces of previous garments for example â†£ the neckline on this jacket is made with a mix of a waistband from a pair of pants used in this jacket and fabric left over from the leg of another pair of pants ↢ Initially I thought the waistband would suffice for the neckline but then realised that assumption was clearly incorrect #improviseordie. These moments of being forced to thinking on my feet have become some of my most exciting moments, the more creating and designing I am able to do the quicker the solutions sprout! 

Oddity: Nomad 05

Chop Through Changes 

The pattern for this jacket was based off a previous pattern but also need slight (kind of major) alterations...someone say "hello toile!" The toile had needed to be done mostly because there were a few elements of change I wanted to incorporate. I could just sense that the style of this third jacket was taking a turn also when it comes to by Fynn garments I am all about squeezing those creative juices to spark up something new! That's the beauty of creating garments, just really being able to actually create something that is unique with a sense of freshness.


Seasonal Sleeves

The inspiration behind the detachable sleeves was really sparked from the idea of having a versatile jacket. Thinking about the seasons changing and needing a garment that is able to be worn throughout the year. Having the ability to add this element to this garment was a new experience for me, as well as for a by Fynn garment and I'm sure it won't be the last. Yes, if you are a 90's kid the moment you hear detachable you have instant flashbacks of cargo pants going through your mind! But trust me this is not that corny, it's really the construction of how you have it detachable as well as the selection of materials used. 


Oddity: Nomad 06

While They Were Pants

⤷ Let the pulling apart begin. Seams unpicked, pockets cut out and buttons reserved for their appointed time â¤¶ When it came to the construction and placement of the multiple cut outs, this jacket was truly based around the pockets. The style of the pockets I had to work with helped me figure out a layout for the multiple cut outs from the three pairs of pants that were used for this jacket. With this being the third time I was much more confident in being able to know what parts of the pants are best used in specific areas, but that doesn't mean it makes the making of this garment "easy". There is still the trial and error process in the figuring out of the fabric layout. But to be honest there really never is an "easy" by Fynn piece, which I kind of really admire about this brand.

Oddity: Nomad 07
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