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When you are tired before you even begin...

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Thinking of that re-hustle after enjoying the coasting by life!

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Right! Even though it was not satisfactory and that's why you are beginning...again!

On the real though, can we just discuss how ahead of her time Brandy was with that Never Say Never track! 

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Feels too prophetic to ones own current situation...ship!

So accurate it gets you pulling that stank face without even trying. I mean somethings just truly do not need to be started again...let's be honest.

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Hey, Brandy also taught us to Learn the Hard Way, she knew somethings would have to just be a lesson learned from...again!  

The begin again struggle is surely not discriminatory against age, stage or circumstances. It's a damn hard push! But most things that are worth it in life are ✌

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Having one of those "do I keep on, or do I let go?" moments/days/months...

I'm right there with you! It's like that back up plan starts to glitter and shine extra bright A.T.M!

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Haha yes exactly. But in my case the back up plan is the current plan! ** insert anxious chuckles **

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Honestly that is what is most daunting, that realization that one must literally Keep On! And you can make it sound cute amongst that "group" that you are just keeping on the hustle and not giving up. But in reality, bby grl you literally can't give up, cause what you going to give up to do?!

Been there oh wait I am there haha. It's a constant fight and at times it seems like you haven't got enough ammunition or motivation to stay in the ring but it's as you said "give up to do what?!" 

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Let's be real here thou the most confronting thing is the fact the clock ain't stopping to allow you some "rethink time" and bank balance ain't adding up on it's own but it will surely subtract with little to no help!

Ha yep, that damn CLOCK ain't no joke. It's like I feel its judgment with every stroke, and yes I know that might sound dramatic but it's the honest truth! 

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Definitely not dramatic that is straight up real talk. And something I feel is a reality for all of us at some point in our's just a matter of if we want to acknowledge it. 

Hmm but then again The Hills just got a reboot and Justin Bobby is still trying to fool these pretty girls with that "no soap showering and will unashamedly cheat on you appeal" that surprisingly pays bills. So then again the clock might just stall for some of us. 

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Hahah! You are dropping some facts right there. 

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Imma admit I usually am the one saying "you should live in the now and let tomorrow worry about itself"... whiles myself worrying about tomorrow!


Hahah! Honestly I think we are all a lil guilty of giving advice that we ourselves don't even follow.

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But on the know it is an issue when you start looking at the clock like a ticking time bomb!!!

Especially when you begin to look at it with one eye open, hoping that it has stalled and you have more time to up your sleeve. 

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Right!! Especially when you hit those "milestone numbers"... but yet you ain't feeling like you have had any milestone changes!!

It's funny how we let society pressures effect how we see milestone ages, and allow that clock to determine our moves and focus. Instead of simply being okay with the knowing that your own achievements and timeline ain't gonna be like anyone else's... and that's cool!

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That's it!! Sometimes you just gotta applaud yourself and treat that clock as a reminder but not your life discerner. 


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Why is it being tired and worn out is seen as a sign you are heading down the right path? 

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That feeling that when caffeine becomes your right hand man that is when you have made it!!

Especially when one must attend those "catch ups" that instantly turn into brag sessions of each ones tiredness. 

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And then it's like you feel either lazy or non progressive cause you actually ain't feeling burnt out...

Exhaustion should not be worn as a badge of honor...that ain't right!

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And to my single also ain't cute! Cause the only bags we should be wearing should be Prada!

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Let the truth be told!

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Eagerly working to get to that pot of gold like the Bachelor contestants trying to get that first impression rose on the first night!

It ain't easy...but then again what worth it in life is?! 

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I just feel as though more of us need to be more open and honest about the simple

fact that trying to achieve success is tiring, and so is trying to find a date! 

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Tiring is correct. Some days are worse then others, some hurdles aren't too hard to push through but then you get those big ones that got a girl questioning errything and every decision.

And I always find, the moment I start "questioning my decisions" that 99% of the time leads me to...regret! #notcute

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In the words of your past auto correct that would actually pull out some gems, "nobodies got time for ruggrats"...figuratively speaking and also in the literal. #noscrubs 

Haha. Girl that old phone and that auto-correct got me in some serious heat!!

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But in hindsight the journey through the rainbow is sure to bring one a pot of gold, it might just not sparkle as bright as one expects!

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Opini: 22
Opini-News | The Applous
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Having one of those wondering know when you just take a look back and wonder how did you arrive at the place you currently are?

I remember one time having one of those look back moments and next minute I found myself all of a sudden grateful instagram and facebook were not a thing back then cause sis was pulling out some NOT okay ensembles. 

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Haha! You aren't alone on that one. All I'm gonna say is snake skin printed red pants...I am definitely grateful that there isn't any photo evidence of that cause you might just go blind. 

But it's so good to sometimes just take the time to look back at your early stages and realise how much times have changed. But then in someways not really changed...

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Right. Looking back definitely helps me to keep on the hustle because there is still so much more change that needs to be made. And I've come to far to quit now!

Correct!! Look back moments are good fuel for the journey ahead...emphasis ahead ➝ keep going! 

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Uh huh **claps**

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Had one of those catch ups with an old friend and quickly realised this person is part of my past...and not my future.

Hmm yep been there and realised that. It's a funny feeling, almost like a light bulb moment. 

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It was a realisation of how much I have grown, mostly mentally. And I guess also how much more I value my time and words.  

Growth is a nice way to put it. Cause I would nicely just say I ain't got no more time for your drama #bye!

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Ha! Well that too, cause girl my peace is expensive and I ain't trying to sell that for any kind of unnecessary drama.

We as a society are so attracted to dramas. That when you don't have dramas in your life or you simply choose not to focus on them you are made to feel boring?!

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Correct! Especially during catch-ups you feel the pressure to bring the best tea.

But I always think of this quote I heard awhile back "small minds talk about people, and big minds talk about ideas!"

Yasss and Amen!

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Opini: 20
Opini-News | The Applous

I have to refrain from shade at those who are so quick to quote "started from the bottom now we here."

But we all know their version of "bottom" is in actual fact most of our version of top!

Right!! It's like you want to just inform them it's OKAY for you to admit you had a pretty good kick start. 

Exactly. It ain't like anyone is going to discredit them or their handwork. 

I think it's a society pressure. I feel as though most of us feel that pressure to have a struggle story in order to be appreciated. 

And also can't they drop a girl a clue at how they atleast made it to their "here"!

It's like they are afraid you might just catch up and out run them so they ain't sharing any of that good stuff, just giving you the beginning and end nothing about that middle. 

Well based of the lack of information one can get these days the only thing I'll be catching are feelings!

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Opini-News | The Applous

Just stopped myself from self destruction...

Oh lowdy what's this girl gone and done now!

Caught in the act of "self" discovery media! 

Haha. I think we are all a lil guilty of that. I think it's honestly the easy route cause you can just select what "self" you like the most and think you can mimic that and you're all good...right?

Isn't that the career goal of an influencer? 

Snap...slight shade but truth. 

I think that's a clear sign that I need to tune out the noise and tune into myself to reconnect with MY right frequency.  

Please do or else next minute you're gonna be looking like there ain't no part of you one can't buy at the mall.  

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Honestly I feel as though now more then ever we are being influenced to let go of our own true selves more and more. 

Pop culture will be the first to tell you just to "be yourself"...then they'll tell you what version of yourself to be! #byeboo

As Kanye said "we are all self conscious, I'm just the first to admit it." 

Ain't nobody saying it's easy and it isn't lonely at times, but the fulfilment one feels when they truly know they are crafting their own path...priceless!

And even mentioning the name Kanye, I feel like I have to whisper his name cause folks be ready to jump somebody.

Then I we are again another propaganda of pop culture. Getting us so focused on someone else speaking their own opinion but because society tells us that persons OWN opinion ain't right, we are throwing swords. But then those same people want to tell you to speak your mind and embrace YOU?! When in actual fact they want you to completely speak your mind, only what's popular right now.  

The importance of discovering YOU couldn't be more prevalent! Cause at the end of the day we are all in a trial and error scenario. 

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Opini-News | The Applous

Ha! Resumes, the one thing the creative industry (fashion especially) doesn't want to admit is mostly based on your social media presence or better yet your actual appearance

Yes!! And we ain't even talking about race, skin tone or gender we are meaning literally your style and character, because now everyone is hunting for "personalities"!

Exactly! It's like if you don't think the product is good enough to sell off a hanger...then why you making it? 

Who would have thought we would be living in a time where knowledge is best worn on your body over being retained in ones mind!

It's honestly scary when I look at this creative industry and see how out of balance it is.

Being able to dress yourself and take good pictures should never be praised over gaining knowledge.

In the words of Tupac Shakur "Let Knowledge Drop" ✌

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Call me out of touch but I am still trying to understand this whole "public figure" title...

I too just discovered this whole public figure title, it's definietly the new craze.

Wouldn't we all be considered "public figures" by the simple fact we are out in the public and we are human figures???

Valid point!

To be honest I just think it's a self given title that differentiates those with a certain amount of followers who don't want to be labelled as a walking billboard or better yet selling oneself for numbers.

Okay girl don't hold back ;) 

I just think it's never a wise move to base ones career off an app that can crash at any minute. 

I guess you better just know how to describe "public figure"... on a resume! #backupplan

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These days I am painfully scrolling through my emails like I'm dodging land mines!

Haha right!! And it's like these companies know the coin is tight so they just add on the temptation with the sales and promo code emails.

And as for those cart reminders...

They begin to feel like a reminder of a moment of weakness!!

Omg yasss! It's like I abandoned that cart for a reason and now I am being punished for my responsible actions!

Honestly, it's kind of like credit cards. Swipe now, pay later...more like laugh now, cry later!

I guess it's as we have said "it's never worth it to compromise long term goals for short term pleasures!" #wizword

**claps** The mic has been dropped folks!

I'mma need to go on a social media detox.  

Let me guess...another peer on a holiday! Whiles you are stuck slaving for the man, and contemplating everything about your life?

You already know!  

Especially when it feels like everyone around you is flying high and you are stuck just dreaming high!

This is the side of the hustle that nobody is being real about. Those forced sacrificial moments are a real thing.  

Right! And as for all these motivational speeches saying it gets easier the longer you do it #lies. More like the temptation to quit be knocking louder!

It really does. But in the words of Lecrae

"I've been down before the come up, I ain't stressing."

Amen to that. Rather count my blessings then be stressing cause ain't nobody making progress with that.  

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Opini-News | The Applous

Do you feel like after you say the title "Fashion Designer" you must specify that it's not a rappers name? 

Well it's for real heading that way. The days of just being a fashion designer and not some big personality I feel are fading. 

It's a current society expectation that in order for your product to really be making it rain, you have to put more energy into the hype then the actual workmanship. 

Truth. It's like we are pumped with information on this designers personal life and style, that you are left wondering why do I actually like their brand? Is it slightly because I desire their lifestyle? 

Girl, I am so guilty of that. Some of these designers got me tempted to buy a pair of track pants that seem to get you NBA court side tickets and backstage passes. 

You know it's an issue when you have fashion selling product like cruise packages. 

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I am all for technology advancement BUT there are some basics one must know...right? For example, a photographer, a title so easily self given yet so many can only be trusted with devices that take the picture for them.

Right! It has one asking the question what are the ones with the talent left to do?  I ain't saying we should be mad at technology but I think we as a society and industry should be more applauding and accepting of the talented over the celebrated. 

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Yasss! Exactly my point. Obviously in life we need advancements and progression. There just needs to be a balance. It's become a bit too much of a celebrity culture. Got a girl wondering should I find me a Ray J and drop a video...

Girl please no! But I see your point. The struggle is definitely real, especially when talent alone ain't paying them bills. But then it's like you realise we all have a place in this world and someone in need of what only you can do.

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Having one of those days when I feel like I ain't going nowhere fast...

Those days are bittersweet, cause in someways I like slow days BUT when it comes to working and deadlines, slow days are code for slow death!!


Got me wondering when will someone invent a dreams microwave...ooh wait is that what instagram is meant to be? 


But for real sometimes I feel silly for investing more time into my actual work over my instagram that dated? 

No definitely not. The instagram feed is like an appetiser, you still expect a main after it. You aren't meant to just stop there!

I just don't think anything worth celebrating has come out of this microwave mentality. If you look at what is most appreciated and valuable now it's what took time and patience. 

I just felt like I went to church #fire

Opini: 10
Opini-News | The Applous

Am I the only person who has to try and not have an anxiety attack when you look at the clock !!

That depends...which clock are we talking here? biological? or literal time clock? 

I'm going to be real and say both! I just feel like the pressure to have it all figured out pre-thirties just got amplified and if you don't. It's like what are you even doing with your life?!

Right! And then you look around and realise that you are still on that grind and ain't nobody rocking with you...

Girl!! People don't even realise how they don't gotta say a thing and you already know they be clocking your age and time for you.

In the words of Professor Jay-Z ... "Do me a favor, don't do me no favors, I'll handle mines." 

**Claps** Time is too precious to waste it trying to convince people you aren't crazy. You do you boo!

Opini: 09
Opini-News | The Applous

Ain't it interesting how a woman is labelled as "wise" with age but the man gets "charming" or "silver fox"!

Haha! The politically correct way of hinting that females get mouthier (a.k.a sassier) with age. 

Right! Then society throws shade at females for being so age sensitive. But I don't see men promoting anti-aging products? 

Speak that truth! And the thing is both genders feel the pressures of age. 

We really do, cause we all know the unspoken rules of certain things we should achieve at specific ages. And the only time you really get applauded is when you have achieved those certain accomplishments earlier then society expects.

Yes!! It's like modern day ageism out here.

All I'm saying is let's just simply start at celebrating another year of not getting locked up.

Opini: 08
Opini-News | The Applous

I can't help but laugh at the fact one jean has so many vast price points?! Surely I am not alone in the 501 struggle and hustle. 

You know the struggle is real when you start labelling your jeans as invests...#thataintright

LOL girl you know that's bad. But honestly this one jean style got so many different price points it makes one I paying for extra paint stains and rips and a resellers mark up? 

For real. Almost turning into a situation of you having to buy your 501's like you buy wine...the older the better. Just to help justify these prices.

Well atleast jeans don't just end up being expensive urine..

Hahaha yeah true. I guess you just gotta be aware and not get conned by some of these 501 resellers. Not to mention any particular ones, but some are straight up daylight robbery. 

In the words of Drake "young nigga preach" 

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Opini-News | The Applous

Ever wonder if there really is a functional difference between a $95.00 fleece hoodie compared to a $950.00 fleece hoodie?

Emphasis on fleece...ain't no cashmere happening here. 

Ha! Yeah and don't even hit me with this whole "Made in Italy" jargon...cause that don't change the basic construction of a hoodie. 

Right. Claps to the faithful basic brands, mastering basic products and keeping it at basic prices *cough cough*  -> champion <- 

Yes! And laughing all the way to the bank.

I find it hilarious how a basic hoodie has become such a fashion icon. And the funniest part is that Champion has been in the hoodie game for almost 100yrs and it almost feels like this past year they just appeared on the map! 

Haha it does feel that way. And all these "trendsetters" be acting like they discovered it. #sitdone 

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Opini-News | The Applous

I cannot deal with these purposefully shredded vintage tees. Let it happen naturally people!!

Girl you better speak! Cause ain't nobody looking at you like a warrior.

And I just hope these folks know when they are being conned. As long as it was produced in the decade we are still living ain't vintage boo.

That's called vintage wash!

Haha true. Am I the only one who finds it strange when peeps wear band or artist tees that they don't even listen to? Common one... I am just going to go there...Biggie Smalls tees! 

If you don't even know the track Juicy take that shirt off!

Hahaha you have a point...I guess that's the hilariousness of trends. They can very subtly make one look rather foolish. 

Opini: 05
Opini-News | The Applous

Ain't it funny that we now see stores selling cassette players as "new in-store" when it should clearly state "fresh from the volt" !! 

Haha! I know right...I guess for me it's kinda funny to see elements of my childhood being revised...but then there is also that element of okay this is just another sales gimmick...  


LOL! All I'm saying is if Juicy Couture is having to evolve from those classic 90's velour tracksuits...maybe we should follow suite

Claps to them. But girl I'm just grateful iTunes ain't trying to have me deal with stretched tapes...those are the sides of cassettes these young ones don't yet know. 

Or when the cassette tape would get chewed up... #nottodaysatan

Opini: 04
Opini-News | The Applous

I pack your bags so you can leave town for a week (yes I am)
The phone rings and then you look at me (Why'd you turn and look at me)

You said it was one of your friends, down on 54th Street (boy)
So why did 213 show up on your caller ID

I mean what happened to these types of lyrics. So many feels in each and every line! 

For real...Whitney has me mad at a man I don't even have!

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Opini-News | The Applous

Don't you just miss how music videos were like 5 minute drama just gave you a whole notha visual of the song and the lyrics.

Ooh yes I really do. I remember we use to watch them like they were movies...and then reenact the scenario when the song is playing. You couldn't just simply listen to the song! 


Haha you really couldn't! I find it bizarre how ahead of its times a lot of those RnB music videos were. Cause for me looking at the industry and in someways society now it's like we are watching those music videos played out in reality. 

Kinda feels like Complex News in music videos...

That's pretty true haha! And says a lot about the current times. Cause we all know "No Scrubs" yet we all seem to have a "scrub" story.

Yeah exactly! Then we wanna be hitting up the classic "Almost Doesn't Count"... #girlbye

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Opini-News | The Applous

With fashion going back to the 90's so much I am just waiting for someone to drop a keypad phone and claim it as "new".

Right! I think with fashion there is a bit of a misconception between inspiration and just plain right replication.


Exactly! It feels like I am either stuck in a scene from Clueless or in an episode of Moesha.

Ha! Yeah I get that there is only so much you can do when it comes to designing tops, pants and outerwear. But I mean innovate a little...I just think what are we going to have to show for this era if we just keep replicating the 90's?!

#true. Cause ain't nobody talking about their new Nokia...just saying!

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